AHHHHHH!!!!! So....I graduated from school on Friday and that's awesome but I am now drowning in my "TO DO" list. We are moving in 2 weeks and I am studying for my boards so I am stupid busy! My new apartment has a huge bathroom and a claw foot tub! I'm very excited about this. I have long dreamt of lounging in a claw foot tub while typing scathing news articles condemning modern politics while I smoke a cigarette and listen to the gramophone sitting dangerously on the table by the sink. If I never get to fulfill any other dreams I'll be pretty satisfied with this bathtub. Anyway, I'll be sure to post pics of my new place when I move in. In the mean time enjoy Ms. Paulette Goddard in a bath tub and Mr. Clifton Webb as Waldo Lydecker in one of my favorite movies "Laura" .
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