Sunday, October 23, 2011

More Erte:Amazing Costumes

As Halloween approaches, I find myself looking at all of the costumes online and in the shops and wondering..."why do our costumes suck so very badly?" To override the crap I constantly find myself forced to look at, I did a bit of dream costume shopping online! Here are a few of my erte favs plus some others I thought were neat, like these...for example.

Death and Zillah in the parade
A Gorey Begin
(I love all the Edward Gorey Costumes!)
jen, silent film star

Where the #### Have I Been?

It's hard to say exactly wher I've been. Too much going on and not enough time to explain. So....instead I'll just say that I have been listening to Agent 99 way too much and enjoying the amazing weather that has finally hit our sad, heat scorched little city.